
Days To Market Online

If you are in a sales position soliciting a product or service, some advice might be helpful when speaking to other businesses. There are times during the year that are good times and other times that might not be so good. As I always state in my advice, every market is different, so this is more of a generalized theory than anything else.

The Importance of Timing in Sales Strategy

Understanding the right timing for your B2B marketing can significantly impact your success. Studies have shown that businesses often experience varying customer engagement and conversion rates depending on the time of year, month, or even day. You can optimize your sales strategy by identifying these seasonal trends to increase your business growth.

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Rather than get wordy and lengthy in my explanation and reasoning, I’ll give the best and worst times:

Elaborating on the Best Times for B2B Selling

January and February: This is usually when companies set their budgets for the new fiscal year. Making your pitch now could get you ahead of the competition.

10th through 25th of Any Month: This period often sees fewer bills and more available funds, thus a greater willingness to purchase.

December 5th to 20th: Businesses may be looking to use up their budgets before the year ends, making them more receptive to pitches.

Last Week of December: Some companies have excess funds they want to invest to offset taxes.

First Weeks of the Quarter: Companies often reassess their strategies and may be open to new services or products.

Worst Times for B2B Selling

Holiday Periods: Businesses are usually closed, and key decision-makers are likely to be unavailable even if they’re open.

Tax Deadlines: Business owners might focus more on their financial obligations than on making new investments.

End of the Quarters: This period often coincides with internal reviews and planning, leaving little room for new commitments.

B2B vs B2C: The Timing Contrast

While weekends and holidays might be downtime for B2B interactions, these are peak times for B2C markets. Customer behavior is largely driven by the leisure time to explore and purchase online.

Actionable Tips for Effective Timing in Sales

Market Research: Keep an eye on your industry’s trends to identify the best times to reach out to businesses.

Revenue Cycle: Understand the financial cycle of your target companies to pitch your products or services at the most reasonable times.


Knowing the best and worst times for B2B sales can give you a substantial advantage. Not only does it increase your chances of making a successful pitch, but it also allows you to plan your sales strategy more effectively.

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